
Ludwig Schubert

Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Ludwig Schubert is a university assistant and research engineer, working at the University of Technology Graz and at AVL List GmbH. During his Bachelors he was already working on brake disc development. He achieved his MSc at the University of Technology Graz in 2022, dealing with the generation and measurement of non-exhaust emission on an indoor drum test bed. Since 2023 he is doing his PhD on tire wear and tire wear particulate emissions generated in a laboratory environment. The focus is on the development of a reproducible test bench method for the measurement of tire particulate emissions in the size range below 10 micrometers using different aerosol measurement devices.
1:30 - 3:00 PM

Wednesday 4 December

Advancing Knowledge on Tire Abrasion and Emissions: Research, Measurement, and Health Impacts

Moderators: Cassie Rauert and Stephan Wagner

  1. Factors Influencing Tyre Abrasion and Particle Emission – Current Knowledge and Research Needs Keynote Speaker: Mats Gustafsson
  2. Quantifying Tire Abrasion and Airborne Particle Emissions Using an Enclosed Drum Bed Dynamometer Speaker: Ludwig Schubert
  3. Physicochemical Characterisation and Potential Health Effects of Tyre Wear Particles Speaker: David O'Loughlin
  4. A Parametrized and Regionalized TRWP Inventory Model for LCA Speaker: Louisa Ospital