Ng How Yong
Dr. How Yong Ng is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS) and a Changjiang Scholar Professor at the Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai. He was the Director of NUS Environmental Research Institute and the Director of the Sembcorp-NUS Corporate Laboratory.
Professor Ng’s core research interest is in sustainable water management, focusing on biological treatment technologies, membrane bioreactor and microbial electrochemical sensor for water reuse and resource recovery. He has contributed to more than 450 publications in refereed international journals and conference papers. He invented the I2BioS – an integrated intelligent bio-sensor that provides real-time water toxicity and quality monitoring, which is currently being commercialised through EnvironSens Pte Ltd, a NUS spinoff company. He also serves as an Advisor to WaterROAM Pte Ltd, a NUS startup and a social enterprise that provides durable and affordable water filters designed for humanitarian use.
Professor Ng is a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore, a Fellow of the International Water Association (IWA) and a Distinguished Member of the American Council of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. He serves as an Associate Editor of Water Research and an Editor of the Water Reuse. He is also the Chair of of the Management Committee of the IWA Specialist Group on Membrane Technology and the immediate past president of the Environmental Engineering Society of Singapore. He has received many outstanding awards including the 2014 IWA Pacific Project Innovation Award, 2020 Institute of Engineering Singapore Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award, 2020 National University of Singapore Engineering Leadership Award, etc.