
Philipp Stinshoff

TU Munich Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering, Munich. Germany
Philipp Stinshoff is an environmental engineer who received his Master's degree from the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Since 2020, he is a PhD student at TUM in the research group 'Urban Stormwater Management' led by Prof. Dr. Brigitte Helmreich. His research focuses on the mobility and retention of heavy metals and sediments from road runoff in engineered and near-natural decentralized treatment systems.
10:30 - 11:40 AM

Friday 6 December

Effective Stormwater Management Strategies

Moderators: Elisabeth Rødland and Brigitte Helmreich

  1. Micropollutant Loads in the Road Runoff: Importance, Nature and Efficiency of Runoff Source Control Measures Keynote Speaker: Marie-Christine Gromaire
  2. Uncovering Hidden Pollutants: Analyzing Tire Particles in Stormwater Runoff from Austrian Highways and Preliminary Evaluating Water Protection Facility Efficiency Speaker: Claudia Hledik
  3. Treatment of Road-Deposited Sediments from Road Runoff – Experience and Performance of Infiltration Swales Speaker: Philipp Stinshoff