
Julie Panko

Principal Scientist and Senior Vice President at ToxStrategies

Ms. Panko is a Principal Scientist and Senior Vice President at ToxStrategies, LLC, a scientific consulting firm in the United States.  Ms. Panko has more than 30 years of experience conducting and managing a wide variety of occupational, environmental, and consumer health risk assessments and is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). She has focused primarily on evaluating chemical risks from industrial, commercial, and consumer products within the context of various regulatory programs and voluntary initiatives. Some of this work included product lines such as paints and coatings, adhesives, tires, arts and crafts, beauty care, and many industrial process chemicals.

Ms. Panko’s areas of expertise include quantitative exposure assessment such as retrospective analysis of occupational and community-based exposures to industrial emissions; human health risk assessment for contaminated sites; industrial hygiene program development and implementation; indoor air quality related to industrial, commercial, and residential environments; and product stewardship and sustainability. She has evaluated potential environmental health risks associated with numerous substances, including perfluorinated substances, 1,3-butadiene; solvents such as mineral spirits and acetone; BTEX, TCE, dioxins/furans, PCBs, a wide variety of metals, PAHs, and various tire materials.

Ms. Panko has evaluated sustainability and stewardship aspects of tires throughout their lifecycle from manufacturing to end of life. She has conducted original research regarding the physical and chemical characteristics of tire and road wear particles (TRWP), their occurrence in the environment, release of chemical constituents from TRWP and the potential human health and ecological impacts.