Program Overview

The 2024 Tire Emissions Research Conference program addressed the critical challenges and opportunities in reducing tire and road wear emissions. Participants explored the latest research and its transformative impact, including mitigation strategies on use-phase tire emissions.

The 2025 program will be announced in due time. 

12:30 - 1:15 PM

Welcome Lunch

1:15 - 1:30 PM

Welcome Remarks

1:30 - 3:00 PM

Advancing Knowledge on Tire Abrasion and Emissions: Research, Measurement, and Health Impacts

Moderators: Cassie Rauert and Stephan Wagner

  1. Factors Influencing Tyre Abrasion and Particle Emission – Current Knowledge and Research Needs Keynote Speaker: Mats Gustafsson
  2. Quantifying Tire Abrasion and Airborne Particle Emissions Using an Enclosed Drum Bed Dynamometer Speaker: Ludwig Schubert
  3. Physicochemical Characterisation and Potential Health Effects of Tyre Wear Particles Speaker: David O'Loughlin
  4. A Parametrized and Regionalized TRWP Inventory Model for LCA Speaker: Louisa Ospital

Mats Gustafsson

Ludwig Schubert

David O'Loughlin

Louisa Ospital

3:00 - 3:30 PM

Coffee Break

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Innovative Approaches to Measuring and Analyzing Tire Road Wear Particles (TRWP)

Moderators: Elisabeth Rødland and Florian Breider

  1. Characterizing Tire Wear Particle Emissions Under Both Laboratory Conditions and On-Road Driving Keynote Speaker: Seokwan Lee
  2. Influence of Collection System on the Tire Road Wear Emission Measurements Speaker: Seren Celenlioglu
  3. Measurement and Analysis of Tyre Road Wear Particles (TRWP) on Vehicles Speaker: Carsten Schilde
  4. Methodology for Effective TRWP Collection Using a Vehicle Speaker: Yasuhiro Shoda

Seokhwan Lee

Seren Celenlioglu

Carsten Schilde

Yasuhiro Shoda

8:00 - 9:00 AM

Welcome Coffee

9:00 - 10:30 AM

Assessing the Environmental Occurance of Tire Emissions

Moderators: How-Yong Ng and Cassie Rauert

  1. The Environmental Impact of Tyre Emissions Keynote Speaker: Fulvio Amato
  2. Impregnation of Surface Soil with Tire and Road Wear Particles from a Moderate Traffic Suburban Roadway Speaker: Louisa Landebrit
  3. Biodegradation of Tire Additives and Tire Particles Across Different Time Scales Speaker: Bettina Seiwert
  4. Transfer of Tire-Derived Additives and Their Metabolites into Vegetables and Assessment of Human Exposure Through Food Speaker: Florian Breider


Fulvio Amato


Louisa Landebrit


Bettina Seiwert


Florian Breider

10:30 - 11:00 AM

Coffee Break

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Mapping the Distribution of Tire-Related Emissions in Various Environments

Moderators: Julie Panko and Florian Breider

  1. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Tire-Related Additives in Freshwater Ecosystems: Insights from a Swiss Pilot Study Speaker: Thibault Masset
  2. Spatial Trends of Tyre Wear Particles and Tyre Additive Chemicals with Distance from a Main Australian Road Speaker: Cassandra Rauert
  3. Atmospheric Input of TRWP Across Switzerland Determined by Automated Morpho-Chemical SEM/EDX Single Particle Analysis Coupled to Machine Learning Speaker: Juanita Rausch
  4. Analysing the Spread of Emissions from a Vehicle Using a Sensor Cluster Speaker: Miles Kunze


Thibault Masset


Cassandra Rauert


Juanita Rausch


Miles Kunze

12:30 - 1:30 PM


1:30 - 3:00 PM

Exploring the Environmental and Health Impacts of Tire Emissions

Moderators: Francois Huaux and Benoit Ferrari

  1. Impact of Tire Emissions on Human Health Keynote Speaker: Valerie Forest
  2. Influence of Repeated Leaching of CMTT and TRWP on the Dissolved Concentration of Tyre Derived Chemicals Speaker: Harriet Amy Byrne
  3. Uptake of Tire-Derived Compounds by Lettuce Grown in Three Soils Speaker: Anya Sherman
  4. Tyre Particles Modulate Microbial-Mediated Soil Functions and Performance of Vegetable Crops Speaker: Moritz Bigalke


Valérie Forest


Harriet Amy Byrne


Anya Sherman


Moritz Bigalke

3:00 - 3:30 PM

Coffee Break

3:30 - 5:00 PM

Ecotoxicology Insights: The Impact of Tire Wear Compounds on Ecosystems

Moderators: Benoit Ferrari and Julie Panko

  1. The Wild West of 6PPD-Q Ecotoxicity Keynote Speaker: Jenifer McIntyre
  2. Periphyton Communities Act as a Sink for Cryogenically Milled Tire Tread Speaker: Sara Gonçalves
  3. Chronic Cross-Contamination of Arctic Charr with 6PPD-Q and BAP: Behavioral and Morpho-Anatomical Impacts and Cocktail Effect Speaker: Fanny-Laure Thomassin
  4. Ecotoxicological Screening and Preliminary Risk Evaluation of Tire Wear Particles Compounds Speaker: Anabela Cachada


Jenifer McIntyre


Sara Gonçalves


Fanny-Laure Thomassin


Anabela Cachada

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Poster Reception

6:00 - 8:00 PM

Networking Dinner

8:30 - 9:00 AM

Welcome Coffee

9:00 - 9:50 AM

Effective Stormwater Management Strategies

Moderators: Elisabeth Rødland and Brigitte Helmreich

  1. Mitigation Measures to Reduce Tire and Road Wear Particles Through Stormwater Management and Wastewater Treatment Keynote Speaker: Ilka Gehrke
  2. Retention of Tire Wear Particles and Tire-Derived Chemicals in Natural Road-Side Ponds – One Year of Monitoring Reveals Seasonal Changes in Highway Runoff Speaker: Elisabeth Støhle Rødland


Ilka Gehrke


Elisabeth Støhle Rødland

9:50 - 10:30 AM

Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:40 AM

Effective Stormwater Management Strategies

Moderators: Elisabeth Rødland and Brigitte Helmreich

  1. Micropollutant Loads in the Road Runoff: Importance, Nature and Efficiency of Runoff Source Control Measures Keynote Speaker: Marie-Christine Gromaire
  2. Uncovering Hidden Pollutants: Analyzing Tire Particles in Stormwater Runoff from Austrian Highways and Preliminary Evaluating Water Protection Facility Efficiency Speaker: Claudia Hledik
  3. Treatment of Road-Deposited Sediments from Road Runoff – Experience and Performance of Infiltration Swales Speaker: Philipp Stinshoff


Marie-Christine Gromaire


Claudia Hledik


Philipp Stinshoff

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

Discussions and ways forward - panel discussion

Moderators: Benoit Ferrari, Stephan Wagner, Emeric Frejafon Speakers: Marie-Christine Gromaire, Seokhwan Lee, Jenifer McIntyre, Valerie Forest


Marie-Christine Gromaire


Seokhwan Lee


Jenifer McIntyre


Valérie Forest

12:00 - 12:15 PM

Closing Remarks

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